Amazing what a difference a good night sleep does for all of us. We made it to the hospital this morning and Lane was all smiles. He asked for more physical therapy and also asked to increase his Tri Flow breathing exercises. He ate three solid meals plus drank four nutrition shakes. He was the most talkative he has been and was even chatting with the nurses as they showed him pictures of their dogs on their phones.
The neurosurgeon and his primary came in on separate occasions and Lane was able to move his big toe both times! Small victories. His mindset is also beginning to shift. He asked me to help him set goals for recovery tomorrow so that should be interesting. He also asked me to find success stories of others who have had similar accidents and are now walking. He wants me to share them with him first thing each morning to help with his mind set for the day. So with that being said if anyone knows anyone who has a similar successful story please forward it to me and I will share it with Lane. My biggest take away from today with him is that he is looking more towards the future and in typical Lane fashion is going to be full force with the goal of walking and will not accept anything less. It will be a long road but I am positive he will get there. Thank you again to everyone for your love and support. Also, thank you to everyone who went to the BBQ as I shared the movie with Lane and he cried tears of joy (don’t tell him I told you that he cried). Hopefully a few more days until he is back in Cali.