Had a good conversation with Lane tonight. Today was his first day without visitors as per his request. He is wanting to see what being by himself feels like which according to his doctors is a good step for him to be taking. He is finishing up his application to American River College so that he can have the opportunity to go back to school and finish his AA as well as take some adaptive PE classes. He is having us look into Sacramento opportunities for his next step and there seem to be more options. He is VERY excited as he is going in the pool tomorrow for the first time for PT and can’t wait to be weightless. He had a visitor over the weekend that went through Valley Med and had a similar injury so they were able to talk and he got some good "insider" info from her especially with regards to dating as well as the importance of a positive attitude and pushing himself in PT. It looks like he is tentatively set to discharge on the 16th of June. Trapper paid him a visit over the weekend which he enjoyed. He is excited about the turn outs for the upcoming comedy shows and can’t wait to go to one in the future. All things considered he seems to be in a good place and looking forward to getting out of the hospital and on with his life. Thank you to everyone for their continued support.
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