Below a message from Lane’s mom:
Yesterday I met Lane and Lindsy at SCI-FIT. It was his first visit where they actually did therapy with him. He was able to push a pedal with each leg and both is legs. Best of all they hooked him up in a parachute harness to a treadmill and with the help of a therapist guiding his legs he WALKED! He has all the muscles to do that but can’t feel his feet yet. Lane made it clear that he would like to develop his triceps so he can use his arms. He will work on upper body strength, trunk support and control, and arms as well as legs. He was so exhausted after the two hour session
It was soooooooooooooooooo good seeing him in an upright position.
Keep all your fingers, toes and paws crossed. Lane is giving it his all. He is the greatest athlete trying to achieve the goal of recovery!!
Below is a video about SCI-FIT so you can get a feel of what I’ll be doing.
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