HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!! Wishing all of you a Happy Holiday Season and a Wonderful New Year.
So, it’s been awhile since my last update and a lot of that is due to my schedule and not a whole lot to update on. My days have become very routine with the monotony of physical therapy, doctor appointments, and general life stuff. As much as I would like to update everyone on my progress I am feeling frustrated with my lack of drastic improvements. It sounds bad but I had expected to be further along by now and have to be reminded by others how far I have come. It is still a tough pill to swallow. I will make a better attempt in the New Year to be more forthcoming with the good and the bad of my life so stay tuned.
Biggest news is that I finally got my new wheelchair!!!!!!
With regards to my physical health I am healthy for all intents and purposes. I continue to work out at SCI-Fit and my steps continue to improve. I am now able to do multiple laps around the gym and have started taking steps in the walker without the trainer in front of me for balance. In addition, I am doing the Lite Gait Treadmill which is essentially a treadmill with a contraption over the top that suspends me in a parachute harness which holds my body weight. With this set-up I am able to take more steps and it is easier for the trainers to correct me as I go. I have been working out at the local gym for strength training which is nice since it is right around the corner. I am definitely getting stronger and doing a lot of load bearing exercises for my shoulders. I am also working out more actively on the FES Bike at SCI-Fit and it is working wonders on both my arms and my legs. There are videos of this on www.lovinglane.org.
In addition to all the physical therapy I am actively involved with a chiropractor who specializes in SCI patients and this has been a tremendous benefit. I am also still involved in acupuncture and massage therapies.
The things that keep me sane are spending time with family and friends and feeling “normal”. Over the last few months I have been to a few NBA and NFL games, multiple Sunday games at the Simmons Home to watch the 49ers completely tank, and I have seen about every movie that has been released! My brother came up in November and we went to the Abilities Expo in San Jose which was comprised of vendors from across the nation that work with SCI clients. I met with my chair manufacturer, the FES Bike manufacturer, and several other vendors. I also went to a presentation on cannabinoid use for SCI which was very interesting (projectcbd.org)
My brother has been up to stay with me a few times and on his last visit we went to the Abilities Expo and my friends surprised me with a suite at the San Jose Sharks game so I got to see all my Bay area friends. Thank you very much to Brenna for organizing the whole thing. In addition, Joel and I were able to watch the 49ers last win of the season versus the Redskins to the new Levi Stadium which was awesome.
I am spending the holidays with family, going to the mountains to my mom’s on Christmas and my brother and his wife are coming up for the weekend so I will do another Christmas there on Saturday plus an Edwards Family Christmas on Sunday with all the uncles, aunts, and cousins. I am looking forward to all of this.
Thank you again to everyone who has reached out with support, thoughts, and prayers. I really appreciate the phone calls, emails, texts, visits, and well wishes. Things have definitely gotten tougher over the last few months mentally so all the support is appreciated.
Once again Happy Holidays!
p.s. If you haven’t heard my family is trying to raise money to purchase a FES bike for home use. If you are interested in donating or know someone/company that may be interested please reach out to my brother for details (Joel 714-615-5915 or joeledwards1@hotmail.com)
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