Ed note: Lane is in his second year of largely having the same routine, with the same people around him, and experiencing some of the same physical limitations as he continues his recovery. With that said, if you’re in Sacramento area or stopping through, it would MUCH appreciated if you could spend some time with Lane as the added personalities, conversations, and routines are a breath of fresh air to Lane’s spirits as he continues to make progress. We’re counting on you to help make the rest of this year and less monotonous so Lane can continue taking steps (literally and figuratively with his remarkable recovery.
“We do not remember days we remember moments.” -Cesare Pavese
Summer is almost here which means hot weather, baseball, and lots of opportunities for moments.
Lots going on in my life on many fronts although it does seem like the same thing over and over again. As always I am busting my ass in Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT). I will get to my progress in a moment.
Over the past few months I have been to a few large social functions with my friends and family (Concerts, games, bbqs). These are a great way for me to see everyone and connect real quickly. Don’t get me wrong I greatly appreciate everyone showing up and supporting me. I would like to find a way to get that support to carry over into a more intimate one-on-one or small group setting. I really miss my personal connections with my friends.
I realize that it is summer and everyone is busy however if/when people have time even if it is for a few hours or even a few minutes stopping in and saying hello, having lunch together, or getting out of the house is great for raising my spirits. Some of the feedback I have gotten is that people don’t want to stop by because they don’t want to be an inconvenience. It is not an inconvenience, please come by, go to PT with me, hang out, whatever. Text is usually the best way to connect just don’t always expect a prompt response. This whole no hands and arms thing makes it a little difficult for me to fire away on the keyboard.
So back to my progress. American River College ended in May so I am picking up more sessions at SCI Fit. In addition I am doing some additional pool work which I love. I have been utilizing the FES bike and Standing Frame at my house which is really helping to keep me active and improve my overall strength. Below a video of my progress.
On the OT front I am making more of a concerted effort to first off attend but second to work on gross motor functioning. As menial as it may sound my current goal is to be able to feed myself. With that goal in mind I have been using a custom wrist mount thing to attach silverware to and attempt to get things into my mouth. Needless to say it is a work in progress. I am also working on bed mobility exercises so that I can get to the point where I can roll myself in bed and aid those that are helping me with putting on clothes, getting in and out of the lift, and overall comfort.
From a what have I done lately to support myself front:
I met with the Canine Companion Program and I am in the application process of getting a companion dog and having it trained to meet my needs. This is a double edged sword since I have no idea what my abilities will be by the time the dog is trained and ideally if I did not have to have a companion dog that would mean I’ve fully recovered. Also, I attended a spinal cord conference in the Bay Area and met with different doctors, vendors, and others with SCI and fell like I learned a lot. Coming up this summer I will be attending the US Senior Open in Sacramento at the end of June so if anyone will be there let me know (you can use me for me handicap parking!) In addition to that my schedule is relatively open so I am open to anything.
To reiterate my biggest need right now is seeing some familiar faces and spending time not talking about my progress or how I am doing but just hanging out. I hope to connect with you all soon.
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